Iran employs affordable schemes in regeneration of old urban areas
One of the main challenges of Iran Government in housing and urban planning is regeneration of the old urban and rural areas. For the latter, the Government has predicted loans for rural housing retrofitting and renovation; however, for the former it is providing special incentives for developers to empower the owners and promote participation of the citizens who are usually from the low-income community. The issue is a challenge for urban policy-makers as the owners and the developers are not financially able to build new houses because it is not economical to build in these areas. The first category targets integrated regeneration at the scale of the urban block, the second targets renovation in the main areas of the neighborhoods, the third includes renovation within the old urban area, and the fourth includes renovation of units/parts that cannot be combined.
متن کامل خبر در سایت پایگاه خبری وزرات راه و شهرسازی