Iran Actively Participates in IMO’s ۱۱۲th Legal Committee Session in London

Iran Actively Participates in IMO’s ۱۱۲th Legal Committee Session in London

The Legal Committee (LEG) met in person for its ۱۱۲th session at IMO Headquarters in London (with hybrid participation). The Committee deals with all legal matters within the scope of IMO, including issues relating to liability and compensation, fair treatment of seafarers and the fraudulent registration of ships. Fair Treatment of Seafarers The session opened with the election of the Chair and Vice-Chair. Discussions then were focused on the fair treatment of seafarers, which is a major concern in maritime labor rights. Iran’s delegation is led by Pouria Koulivand, the Permanent Representative of the Ports and Maritime Organization (PMO) and his deputy to the IMO. He is attending the meeting in person at IMO headquarters in London. Additional PMO officials from the Legal Affairs Department, Security Division, and the Directorate General of Seafarers’ Affairs, along with representatives from maritime specialized organizations, are participating via videoconference. Diverse Legal Issues Under Discussion ...

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